How much public sector spends

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
Salaries 1 203 267 1 815
Goods and Services 1 298 289 1 958
Interest 256 57 386
Subsidies 514 114 776
Grants 91 20 138
Social Care 1 858 413 2 803
Other expenditures 1 274 283 1 922
Capital expenditures 1 379 306 2 080
Lending 375 83 565
Covering debts 231 51 348
Total 8 477 1 885 12 793

How much public sector collects

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
Taxes 6 671 1 483 10 068
Income Taxes 1 765 392 2 663
Profit Tax 851 189 1 284
VAT 3 040 676 4 588
Excise Taxes 660 147 995
Import Tax 90 20 136
Property Tax 230 51 347
Other taxes 35 8 53
Grants 262 58 396
Other Revenues 732 163 1 105
Revenues from privatization 169 38 255
Receiving back loans 43 10 65
Borrowing 748 166 1 129
Total receipts of public sector 8 625 1 918 13 018

How much Local Budgets pay for

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
General Public Services 299 67 472
Defense 6 1 9
Order and Security 48 11 76
Economic affairs 441 99 697
Environment Protection 67 15 106
Housing/Communal 422 94 668
Healthcare 42 9 67
Leisure, Culture, Religion 199 45 316
Education 105 24 166
Social Care 122 27 193
Following table illustrates the size of the total spending the local budgets
Total 1 750 392 2 770

How much we owe

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
New debt in 2012 748 166 1 129
Domestic Debt 1 895 421 2 860
Foreign Debt 7 218 1 605 10 894
Total public debt 9 113 2 026 13 754