How much public sector collects?

Hint: Click on the table row to generate a chart displaying a trend.

State budget Receipts

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed Annual change  
+Taxes 5 802,0 1 298 9 180 n.a.
Income Tax 1 439,5 322 2 278 n.a.
Profit Tax 832,2 186 1 317 n.a.
Value Added Tax 2 784,3 623 4 406 n.a.
Excise 615,2 138 973 n.a.
Custom Tax 93,2 21 147 n.a.
Other nonclassified Taxes 37,6 8 59 n.a.
+Grants 223,1 50 353 n.a.
+Other revenue 417,2 93 660 n.a.
+Revenues from privatization 189,8 42 300 n.a.
+Receiving back loans 80,7 18 128 n.a.
+Borrowing 734,9 164 1 163 n.a.
State budget collects most of the taxes of Public sector except of the Property tax, which is collected by munucipalities  
Total Receipts 7 447,7 1 666 11 784 n.a.

Table description:

State budget collects most of the taxes of Public sector except of the Property tax, which is collected by munucipalities